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Morris Invest’s Real Estate Wisdom: A Blog for Savvy Investors

9-5 Job vs Rental Real Estate: Which Offers More Financial Security?

9-5 Job vs Rental Real Estate: Which Offers More Financial Security?

Not too long after the pandemic hit, millions of workers were let go, and the troubling reality set in that being employed was not the secure option it was thought to be. However, for investors, it only confirmed that when it comes to a 9-5 job vs rental real estate, the latter offers more financial security. I know this to be 100 percent true because during the peak of the pandemic, when hundreds of thousands of businesses were forced to scale down, with many closing up shop, my real estate investment company, Morris Invest, picked up speed to the point where I actually had to hire additional people to answer the phones. Why did my business surge during a massive economic downturn? Why were the phone lines ringing off the hook? The simple truth is that people were scared after seeing their life's...

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