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HowtoReplace2470k year 220

It’s been an exciting week, to say the least. After 18 years in broadcast television, I left behind the safety net of a regular paycheck. I’ve willingly abandoned the comforts of a 401k, employee sponsored health insurance, and a six-figure salary.

The old Clayton believed outdated ideals like “money doesn’t grow on trees,” and “we’re not the Rockefellers.” He was held back by fear and limiting beliefs. He tied his self worth to a paycheck. But the new and improved Clayton? He’s learned to build wealth for himself through passive income.

This isn’t something that simply occurred out of thin air. It’s not luck; I didn’t wake up one day with extra cash flow. This is something I planned for, and worked toward. You can hear more about making the final decision to leave my job on the podcast.

The good news is: you can replicate exactly what I’ve done. I’ve laid out a step-by-step plan that helped me reach my goal of financial freedom. It’s a simple, yet effective way to plan your way toward passive income, covering your expenses, and to stop being a slave to the man!

I call it the Freedom Cheat Sheet. It’s a PDF designed to help you calculate how many properties it would take for you personally to be financially free. The idea is simple—you add up your expenses, and then calculate how many rental properties you would need to cover your bases.

Once you’ve done that, you’re free. It doesn’t matter if your employer decides to give you the can. If you decide you want to spend more time with your family, or pursue other ventures you can. Whatever freedom looks like to you, you can attain it through rental real estate.

Now that I’ve made this monumental change in my life, I’m even more excited to help others plan their way to Financial Freedom. I’m giving away the Freedom Cheat Sheet to help you get started on your own path to financial freedom. Grab your free copy now! 

 I’ve laid out a step-by-step plan that helped me reach my goal of financial freedom. It’s a simple, yet effective way to plan your way toward passive income, covering your expenses, and to stop being a slave to the man!

Ready To Build Passive Income Through Rental Real Estate?


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