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Imagine this…

Everyone you love is 100% financially free.

Your children, your mom, your best friend, the coworker or neighbor you actually like… Imagine their money troubles are over and they’ll never have to struggle financially ever again. Instead, they have a steady stream of monthly income from real estate investments. And it’s all thanks to YOU.

Clayton morris
Join our Ambassador Program:
Here’s how it works –

1. You tell someone about us and they check us out

2. The numbers prove it’s a good deal and they invest with us.

3. As soon as they close on their property, you get $1,000

4. We all grow our wealth, everyone wins, rinse and repeat.

Required legal stuff: Referral rewards will be paid upon closing of referred buyer’s property and only once per referred closed buyer.

The more investors you share this opportunity with, the more you’ll make. In fact, you could easily earn a few thousand each month just introducing interested investors to our full-service model.
Wholesale new construction properties in top markets aren’t easy to find, so help other investors find these great deals.

If they want more information or hard data, encourage them to book a call with us so we can give answers specific to their situation and goals.

Are Rental Properties a Good Retirement Investment
Investing in Turnkey Real Estate - Morris Invest
But here are some quick stats that should pique their interest –
  • E18-22%+ IRR
  • EFree ongoing support for the life of the investment
  • EFree help with creating a personalized real estate investing plan
  • EFree access to over 100 lenders at negotiated rates
  • EFree SDIRA set up to transfer retirement funds
  • EFree continuing financial education and news/economy insights

Help others become financially free through real estate investing.

Along with high-return, cash flowing properties, we provide exceptional customer service and an ongoing financial education. We believe that focusing on YOUR success automatically leads to ours. 

I think that’s why more than 70% of our business is repeat clients, and more than 80% of our clients refer friends, family, and co-workers.

Here’s how to refer someone

Reach out to your portfolio manager.


Fill out the form below.

Refer A Friend

Full Name of Person You Wish to Refer
Your Full Name


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That’s it! Pretty easy, huh?

If you really want to get crazy, give the person you’re referring a heads up and let them know we’ll be reaching out. That way they can fish us out of their spam folder if we land there for some reason.

We’ll reach out and let you know if anyone goes under contract so you can tell us where to send your money. 

Thank you for sharing financial freedom with others!
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