You spent years obtaining your degree and along with it came a load of educational debt. Now, you’re ready to start your life and figure out ways of bringing in streams of income, but with student loans to deal with, you may not be sure if you can even qualify...
Let’s start this year off the right way by paying down debt using one of my favorite strategies. The 0% interest credit card strategy from our friends at Fund&Grow. Yes you read that right. We’re going to use 0% interest cards to get us out of this...
Let’s talk about debt. We get questions all the time about whether or not you should take on debt in order to purchase rental real estate. The real answer is: maybe. One mantra that has stuck with me throughout the years is the idea that “free and clear is the...
Many investors have asked us about the most effective way to pay off rental properties quickly. However, I think that sometimes investors get ahead of themselves. Before you determine how to accelerate your loan payoff, you should decide if it’s the right option for...
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