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Morris Invest’s Real Estate Wisdom: A Blog for Savvy Investors

3 Unique Strategies to Fund a Down Payment on a Rental Property

3 Unique Strategies to Fund a Down Payment on a Rental Property

If you're researching strategies to fund a down payment on a rental property, know that many investors have been in the same situation. I know I have – spotting the perfect rental home with solid cash flow potential, but producing the down payment seemed impossible. When I faced this issue, I didn't give up. I kept searching for an answer until I discovered ways to generate the money I needed to move forward. With all this in mind, we'll take a deep dive into three unique and often overlooked strategies you can use to generate cash for your next down payment on an investment property. Whether you're just starting out or you've been around the block a few times, these unconventional funding tactics just may be what you need to finally take your real estate portfolio to the next level. Strategies to...

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