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What do you perceive to be your biggest obstacle when it comes to investing in real estate? Are you concerned about money? Are you worried about your debt, or your credit score? I talk to so many people that feel the same way.

The truth is, this is a huge misconception. You are not your credit score. The problem runs deeper than that. Many of us are ingrained with the idea that we are unworthy of money, and unable to achieve true success. This isn’t true! Money isn’t holding you back; it’s your fear of money.

The reason I know this is because I too have been trapped in this mode of thinking. I grew up indoctrinated with a fear of money. Like many of us, I received the message from my family that “money doesn’t grow on trees.” I was focused on the lack of money, not in a mindset of abundance.

If we want to cultivate money, we need to begin to shift our mental focus. Our self worth should not be intertwined with how much money we have, or what our credit score is.

Many people I talk to are worried about their credit score and overwhelmed by their debt. I’ve been there too. After college, I went into massive credit card debt. I was consumed by it.

Everything changed one day as I was dropping off my rent check. My landlords seemed so relaxed and happy. When I saw that, something inside of me switched. I knew that if they were capable of achieving financial freedom through real estate, then I was too.

If you’re ready to transform the way you think about money and release your fears, the first thing you should do is find your Financial Freedom Number. When you download the free worksheet, you’ll be better able to understand exactly what financial freedom looks like for you, and how many rental properties you’ll need to acquire. You can overcome your fear about money, but you have to begin working toward it.

 What do you perceive to be your biggest obstacle when it comes to investing in real estate? Are you concerned about money? Are you worried about your debt, or your credit score?

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