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C neighborhoods are older, and the properties are typically in need of extensive renovations. You might read stories on the internet claiming that C class neighborhoods are dangerous or unprofitable. You might be surprised to learn that I purchase all of my properties in C neighborhoods, especially if you’ve been reading internet forums.

I love purchasing in C neighborhoods. The properties can be acquired for cheaper than B neighborhoods, and the rents are comparable. Therefore, the return on investment is higher. Simply put, it’s a better value. Remember, that’s why we do what we do! It’s all about ROI.

A lot of people worry about the quality of tenant in a C neighborhood, but truthfully, I rarely have issues with my tenants. These are hardworking, blue-collar Americans. They are satisfied with the homes that my team renovates. The neighborhoods are quiet during the day, because the tenants are away at work.

Not to mention, I don’t communicate with my tenants anyway! All of my properties are in the hands of effective property management teams. Should a problem arise, the property management team handles it quickly and professionally.

It might seem counterintuitive, but A neighborhoods are typically the neighborhoods that have problem tenants. Those tenants have higher standards, and are more likely to complain about insignificant details.

It irritates me to hear uninformed investors spew condescending misinformation about C neighborhoods. I’ve had nothing but great experiences with my properties. To me, there’s nothing more exciting than revitalizing neighborhoods! My tenants love their homes; it’s a win-win situation.

Interested in picking up your very own C class property with high ROI? Let’s talk! Pick a 30-minute time slot that works with your schedule, and we’ll match you with a great property!

 Here's why it pays to invest in Class C rental properties. It might seem counterintuitive, but A neighborhoods typically are more likely to have problem tenants. Those tenants have higher standards, and are more likely to complain about insignificant details. On the other hand, I’ve had nothing but great experiences with my Class C properties.

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