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Morris Invest’s Real Estate Wisdom: A Blog for Savvy Investors

Lubbock Recognized as Recession-Proof City and Maintained a Strong Texas Rental Market Throughout Pandemic

Lubbock Recognized as Recession-Proof City and Maintained a Strong Texas Rental Market Throughout Pandemic

Texas has been known for having what it takes to be recession-resistant, and this especially applies to the city of Lubbock. With that in mind, over the past few years, the Lone Star State's strong economic reputation was put to the test as the Covid pandemic swept through the nation, as well as around the world. Many individuals who owned rental properties within Texas were unsure if their investments could withstand the hardships of Covid. Fortunately, today, when the nation is mostly out of the woods and in a better place when it comes to the pandemic, the Texas rental market, and Lubbock in general, are still standing strong. In this article, we're going to take a close look at the recession-proof qualities of Lubbock, TX, with an emphasis on its lucrative rental market. Lubbock, TX...

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