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Investing In Real Estate Podcast

EP249: Don’t Be a Know-It-All.

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Have you ever met the type of person who thinks they know everything? They tend to think they’re more experienced and more knowledgeable in every area. Not only is that mindset annoying, but it’s also incredibly dangerous.

On this episode of Investing in Real Estate, I’m sharing the importance of adopting a growth mindset, and how the willingness to fail can actually help you succeed. I’ll discuss some resources you can take advantage of, and I’ll share how I’ve learned from my own failures. Please join me for episode 249! 

More About This Show
I’ve been lucky enough to work with thousands of investors, and something that I’ve noticed is that all successful investors have one thing in common: a growth mindset. This means they have a willingness to learn and an understanding that they have room to grow.

On the opposite end of the spectrum is the “know-it-all.” The person who is locked into a fixed mindset. They think they have all the answers, and they can’t be convinced differently. I really believe this is the difference between a successful an unsuccessful individual.

If you listen to the stories of successful entrepreneurs and investors, you’ll notice an underlying theme: failure! Any person who has reached a level of success has failed at some point. Failure helps us succeed because it often teaches us a lesson.

But if you’re a know-it-all, you might not ever give yourself the opportunity to fail. How can you grow a real estate portfolio if you’re held back by the fear of a vacancy or eviction? It’s not possible. If you want to succeed, you have to be open to learning.

On today’s episode, I’ll dive even deeper into this concept. I’ll share my own personal failures, as well as elaborate on how you can develop into a teachable mindset. If you want to learn more about adopting a growth mindset, this show is for you!

On this episode you’ll learn:

  • Why is open-mindedness important in business?
  • What kinds of people should you surround yourself with?
  • How can being teachable help you fulfill your potential?
  • Why do I want my children to fail?
  • And much more!

Episode Resources
Mindset by Carol Dweck, Ph.D.
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 On this episode of Investing in Real Estate, I’m sharing the importance of adopting a growth mindset, and how the willingness to fail can actually help you succeed.


Posted on

December 17, 2017

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