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Investing In Real Estate Podcast

EP238: The Infinite Banking Concept Revisited – Interview with M.C. Laubscher

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This episode of Investing in Real Estate is sponsored by Fund&Grow. Fund&Grow helps investors access business lines of credit with 0% interest. For $500 off your startup fee, visit morrisinvest.com/funding.

We’ve covered the Infinite Banking Concept a few times on the show, but our last episode on this topic sparked a lot of questions and comments. Since Natali and I are just beginning to learn about this strategy, we thought it would be best to bring an expert on the show to address your questions!

On this episode of Investing in Real Estate, M.C. Laubscher joins us to clear the air about the Infinite Banking Concept. M.C. is the Chief Wealth Strategist at Valhalla Wealth, and host of the podcast Cashflow Ninja. He’s made it his mission to help people safely grow wealth, while control of big banks. On today’s show, M.C. is tackling your questions about investing with life insurance!

More About This Show
The Infinite Banking Concept that M.C. teaches borrows principles from the business banking model. Banks have the most successful business model—they intake deposits and give out a small interest rate, and they lend funds out at a higher interest rate. You can incorporate these same principles to build wealth in your personal financial life.

This concept uses dividend-paying whole life insurance to recreate the banking system within your personal finances. Doing so is predictable, and stable. Not to mention, any growth inside these vehicles is tax-free! Using this method allows you to multiply your money by using it over and over.

We’ve recently learned that this is a controversial topic! M.C. understands that there is a stigma around this strategy. This is because in order to utilize this strategy correctly, the policy must be set up a certain way. Many people have not set up their policies with a reputable company, and are therefore unable to get the outcomes they’ve anticipated.

On today’s show, you’ll learn about the parallels between real estate investing and investing with life insurance. We’ll talk about the stigma surrounding the Infinite Banking Concept, and how to correctly structure your plan. M.C. is incredibly knowledgeable about this topic, please join us on episode 238 to learn more about the Infinite Banking Concept!

If you’re ready to begin building a passive income through rental real estate, book a FREE call with our team today. We’re ready to talk about your goals and want to help you learn more about earning legacy wealth for you and your family.

On this episode you’ll learn: 

  • Why is there a stigma associated with this strategy?
  • How can you ensure that your life insurance policy is set up to use the Infinite Banking Concept?
  • Are there any restrictions on borrowing from your life insurance policy?
  • How does mindset factor into this strategy?
  • And much more!

Episode Resources
Becoming Your Own Banker by Nelson Nash
The Infinite Banking Practitioner’s Group
Prosperity Economics
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Contact M.C. Laubscher
Cashflow Ninja
Valhalla Wealth

 On this episode of Investing in Real Estate, M.C. Laubscher joins us to clear the air about the Infinite Banking Concept.


Posted on

November 20, 2017

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