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Poor is a temporary state—a short-term season of life in which money is lacking. But how do you break out of this cycle? Today you’re going to learn how to identify why you haven’t been able to build wealth, plus tips to start moving in the right direction.
On this episode of Investing in Real Estate, I’m sharing the three main reasons that keep people poor. You’ll learn about setting goals, how to start being more intentional about your purchases, and the importance of the people you surround yourself with. Don’t miss episode 588!
Three Reasons You Are Poor
- You Don’t Work Hard
- You Buy Meaningless Stuff
- Your Friends Are Unsupportive
You Don’t Work Hard
You probably work very hard at your day job. In fact, you most likely spend 40+ hours per week contributing to your company’s goals and success. But what about your own goals and success? Instead of watching Netflix after work, you could spend that time chasing your dreams. Whether you want to start a blog, write an ebook, or invest in real estate, you have to make the time.
You Buy Meaningless Stuff
Do your priorities and your purchases align? If you say you want to make a change in your life, but you’re spending excessive amounts of money, you need to shift your mindset. Invest your money in ways that nourish you. Everything in your life should bring you value and be meaningful.
Your Friends Are Unsupportive
The people that you surround yourself with matter. Are you surrounded by naysayers, or people who discourage and distract you from your goals? Make a point to fill your circle with positive individuals who inspire and encourage you!
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