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Investing In Real Estate Podcast

EP177: Is America the Greatest Place to Invest?

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This week in the United States, we’re celebrating our Independence Day. Among the many freedoms we are celebrating, our freedom to invest stands out to me. On today’s show, I wanted to take the opportunity to examine why America is the greatest place to invest.

On this episode of Investing in Real Estate, I’m sharing the main reasons why the United States is the greatest country for investing. I’ll also elaborate on key indicators that inform current and future market trends. If you’ve ever wondered about the best time and place to invest, this episode is for you!

More About This Show
In many countries around the world, investing can be incredibly difficult. In fact, I recently spoke to an investor who had to jump through numerous hoops and hurdles just to purchase vacant land in the Bahamas. Here in the United States, conditions are favorable for all aspects of investing, and that’s why you hear about investors from all over the world purchasing real estate in this country.

Although there has recently been concern about the possibility of the real estate bubble, currently all signs point to a healthy market. Median home prices are at an all-time high—even topping pre-recession levels. Rising median home prices is beneficial for the housing market, the U.S. economy, and real estate investors.

When it comes to home pricing, June marked a 5.7% increase from a year ago, beating out April and May, which are historically the hottest months of the year to buy and sell properties. Additionally, new home sales are on the upswing.

In fact, new home sales have powered to a seven-year high. We’re seeing a lot of demand for new homes, and construction is soaring. In our turnkey business we are accustomed to rehabbing older homes, but recently have started upheaving our own new construction due to demand.

On today’s show, I’ll share even more reasons why America is the best place to invest, and why 2017 is the time to do so. I’ll compare the current market to 2005 and discuss what’s to come in subsequent years. I’ll discuss specific data regarding the housing market, the history of foreclosures, and much more!

If you’re ready to begin building a passive income through rental real estate, book a FREE call with our team today. We’re ready to talk about your goals and want to help you learn more about earning legacy wealth for you and your family.

On this episode you’ll learn:

  • What does it mean that median home prices are rising?
  • How has the appreciation game changed since the 2000’s?
  • Historically, what are the best months for home sales?
  • Do current housing demands indicate a housing bubble?
  • And much more!

Episode Resources
U.S. Median Home Price Reaches an All-Time High in June
Home Prices Are Still on a Tear, Core Logic Says
New Home Sales Rise to 7-Year High as Demand Buoys Builders
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 Elaborates on key indicators that inform current and future market trends related to investing in the United States & elsewhere. If you’ve ever wondered about the best time and place to invest, this is for you!


Posted on

July 2, 2017

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