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Investing In Real Estate Podcast

EP137: Using Technology to Improve Real Estate Investing – Interview with Nav Athwal

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For many real estate investors, finding capital can be the most difficult part of growing their portfolios. However, there is so much private money available. The struggle is simply attaining access to the capital.

Today’s guest, Nav Athwal, has made it his mission to find the intersection of technology and real estate in order to make finding capital much easier. On today’s show, Nav is sharing how his company, RealtyShares, is working to make finding capital a quick and efficient process. Don’t miss episode 137 of Investing in Real Estate!

More About This Show
Nav has been in the real estate industry for over a decade. His entry into the industry was working as a broker, helping people buy and sell single-family homes, as well as small commercial buildings. He then went to law school at Berkeley, and subsequently worked as a real estate lawyer.

He has always been passionate about real estate investing, which he began in 2010. The biggest thorn in his side became finding capital. He found that he spent over half of his time searching for capital, but what he really wanted to focus on was finding great deals.

Out of this struggle, RealtyShares was born. Nav wanted to create a platform for investors to efficiently and quickly find capital for their deals. RealtyShares is an online marketplace that connects investors with sources of capital.

At RealtyShares, the mission is to make raising capital an afterthought. The platform connects real estate investors with a diverse range of financing solutions. They help investors raise capital efficiently by broadening their network of options.

On today’s show, Nav is sharing even more details about the process at RealtyShares. We’ll talk specifically about their requirements, loan structure, and more. Nav also is sharing his insights into the future of real estate investing.

If you’re ready to begin building a passive income through rental real estate, book a FREE call with our team today. We’re ready to talk about your goals and want to help you learn more about earning legacy wealth for you and your family.

On this episode you’ll learn:

  • What are the terms of a typical note at RealtyShares?
  • What is the minimum investment at RealtyShares?
  • What is the average time to raise capital?
  • What startups are contributing to the future of real estate investing?
  • And much more!

 For many real estate investors, finding capital can be the most difficult part of growing their portfolios. However, there is so much private money available. The struggle is simply attaining access to the capital. Here's how technology can help.

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Posted on

March 29, 2017

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