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Investing In Real Estate Podcast

Do you want to become financially free through real estate investing? In this six-part masterclass series, I’m going to show you different methods to achieve your goal of becoming financially free. Real estate investing is the #1 way to build wealth, and this masterclass will show you how to use it to reach your goal of becoming financially free.

More people need to know their options when it comes to managing their money. They don’t not have to rely on a 401k for retirement, for one thing. There’s a lot I think you need to know, and I want to share everything I’ve learned and tested to help others rise above the status quo and take control of their financial future. Join me for part 1 of the Wealth Building Masterclass Series!

More About This Show

The first key to wealth is being financially intelligent, so let’s focus on how you can build your financial savvy and learn about leveraging your money. Once you’ve got that under your belt, you’ll be able to earn and manage passive income from now until well past your retirement age.

Part of financial intelligence is busting old beliefs and weeding out the myths. Like the myth that you’ve got to be wealthy in order to invest in real estate… Most people have that completely wrong. The truth is, you need to invest in real estate to become wealthy! I can help you with that, but only because it took me a while to figure things out.

My life looked completely different before I learned about buy-and-hold real estate investing. I’d tried everything to get ahead financially, but it just wasn’t working. I walked the streets trying my hand at wholesaling… combed through tax sales looking for good deals, and I spent countless hours on a single deal at a time. There had to be a better way. If you’ve ever felt the same, you’re not the only one and it’s not your fault.

At this point, I was frustrated with the whole thing. That’s when I decided to forge a path that had an easier solution for anyone interested in turnkey real estate investing.

Up to that point, I had been trying to work in real estate. But I didn’t actually want to work in real estate… I wanted to invest in real estate. Once I figured that out, everything changed. No one is buying investment properties because they’re dreaming of those specific properties. They buy them because they dream of the steady income those properties provide. Passive income that lets them live life on their own terms.

Like I said, once I figured out that I wanted to be a real estate investor instead of a real estate worker, everything changed for me and my company.

At the time I had just joined forces with the team at SDIRA Wealth, who originally helped our clients by showing them how to use their retirement accounts to invest in real estate. The relationship with SDIRA Wealth was working so well that we decided to take things even further and offer even more programs to help our clients achieve financial freedom through real estate investing.

This powerful combination of our two companies has allowed us to reach a wider audience, and that means we’ve been able to serve more people. We start the journey with a strong financial education, and pave the way to owning real estate with unmatched customer service from start to finish. Our approach is unparalleled in the turnkey world, and no one else offers the support and education we give our clients.

We help you learn where to look for untouched money that you can access and use to invest… and we do years’ worth of market research and analysis on potential rental markets so we know our properties will continually cash flow.

Within those markets, our team of expert builders manage the construction of new properties that are built with our programs and services in mind. We are even able to pre-qualify many of them with non-recourse financing! If you’re not sure what that is, it’s where the bank lends money based on the asset — in this case, the house — instead of the person who needs the loan. Houses have to pass strict regulations to qualify for non-recourse financing, though, so they’re not common in the turnkey world.

If you prefer conventional financing, we work with over 100 lenders who would be happy to work with you… We’ve vetted the best property management companies in each market so you don’t have that hassle, and some have already placed long-term tenants.

On top of all that, you’ve got an entire team working with you and holding your hand through the process, so you get the advantage of decades’ worth of experience from proven experts in the field.

That’s a lot of help and resources, and they’re going to come in handy as we start to dig in…

So now that you understand that the key to wealth is financial intelligence, in part 2 we’re going to dig into your specific goals and how you can build wealth in a way that makes sense for you. I’ll see you there, next week for part 2 of the Wealth Building Masterclass!

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DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser. I only express my opinion based on my experience. Your experience may be different. These videos are for educational and inspirational purposes only. Investing of any kind involves risk. While it is possible to minimize risk, your investments are solely your responsibility. It is imperative that you conduct your own research. There is no guarantee of gains or losses on investments.

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Some of the links on this channel are affiliate links, meaning, at NO additional cost to you, I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase and/or subscribe. However, this does not impact my opinion. We recommend them because they are helpful and useful, not because of the small commissions we make if you decide to​ use their services. Please do not spend any money on these products unless you feel you need them or that they will help you achieve your goals.

Ready To Build Passive Income Through Rental Real Estate?


Ready to talk about your goals? We're here to show you the tools and teach you the process to begin earning legacy wealth for you and your family.


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July 7, 2022

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