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Want to invest in real estate, but aren’t sure where to begin? In this new series, we’re taking you back to basics and discussing how to start building wealth via performing assets. We believe that buy and hold real estate is the best way to build wealth, and we want to empower you to take control of your own financial freedom. We hope this four part series will inform and inspire you.

Part 1: In part 1 of this series, we’re going to discuss the importance of setting a goal, and how to get in the right mindset. You’ll learn the three distinct steps you should take to begin investing in real estate. You’ll discover how to use performing assets like real estate investments to build wealth. Watch here.

Part 2: In this video, , we’re going to share exactly how you can evaluate a real estate investment. We’re going to run the numbers on an example property. You’ll learn about ROI, rent roll, taxes, and other important figures. You’ll learn how to estimate monthly rents, how to account for expenses, as well as how to determine if your investment is a smart deal! Watch Part 2 here.

Part 3: In part 3, you’re going to learn five different ways to fund your real estate deal! We’ll discuss traditional financing routes, as well as creative options. If you’re curious how to purchase your next investment, this video is for you! Check out Part 3.

Part 4: Part 4 is all about making your investing experience passive. In this video, you’re going to learn about the importance of working with a property management team. We’ll share our experience working with multiple property management companies throughout the years. You’ll discover four things you need to know before you hire a property management team. Watch here.

Ready To Build Passive Income Through Rental Real Estate?


Ready to talk about your goals? We're here to show you the tools and teach you the process to begin earning legacy wealth for you and your family.

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