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International best-selling book, The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, details the story of a shepherd boy, Santiago, on his journey to uncover the treasure of his personal legend, or true purpose. The story serves as an inspirational guide to inspire readers to follow their dreams, and to serve others by identifying and carrying out their purpose. Santiago learns important life lessons along the way; his story serves as a testament to the power in following our hearts and pursuing our dreams with purpose.

In the novel, Santiago learns the importance of overcoming fear. One passage on this topic reads, “Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself.” There are inherently risks in any decisions we make. But if we find the will to overcome fears and follow our dreams, we will encounter experiences that help us grow.

In order to succeed as a real estate investor, you must understand the importance of relinquishing fear in order to overcome obstacles. When we first started buying real estate, we were so afraid! We are familiar with the idea of being held back by fear, instead of motivated by love. We’ve certainly made some mistakes along the way on our real estate journey, but those circumstances serve as lessons.

The book also focuses on the idea that our actions and successes affect others—what we do has a ripple effect. In real estate, we’ve found this principle to ring true. We strive to be very intentional in our business decisions, and contemplate how our decisions affect others.

When we purchase and renovate a home, we view it as a benefit for the collective good. By improving a neighborhood, we help a community. By rehabbing a house, we make a home for our tenant. And by establishing our business, we’ve created jobs for contractors, property managers, and more. When you think about the ripple effect of rental real estate, it can inspire you!

For more book reviews, check out our list of the 5 Must-Read Books for Real Estate Investors! 

 In order to succeed as a real estate investor, you must understand the importance of relinquishing fear in order to overcome obstacles. Paulo Coelho's book

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