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Last week, I shared a video on our YouTube channel in which I received a violation from the health department.  Immediately, people started commenting about how fearful they are about this scenario, and how it makes them hesitant to invest. This was not my first letter from the health department, and it won’t be the last.

I understand that receiving an official slap on the wrist can be nerve-wracking. The first time I opened one of those letters my heart sunk. They use intimidating wording, but the truth is: this is not a big deal. It’s part of the business!

Particularly if your properties are located in an investor-heavy area, you should expect to receive these letters occasionally. This is because the health department is a county-operated part of government, and they realize that there’s money to be made from investors.

However, I have never paid the fees associated with a health department violation. Not once! So when you inevitably receive the first letter, do not automatically write a check and send it off.

If you run your business the way I recommend, these issues will likely be taken care of before you even receive the letter! A professional, effective property management team will know how to resolve issues with the health department. I recommend having mail regarding your properties sent to your property manager first. Doing so ensures that someone locally is notified of any issues immediately.

Please don’t let small bumps in the road like health department discourage you from taking action. I promise you that the benefits of owning rental real estate far outweigh the disadvantages. If you need further convincing, check out this podcast episode with one of our investors—he shares his experience dealing with the health department.

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 How I handled a letter from the health department - plus how to handle those inevitiable real estate investing setbacks.

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