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Morris Invest’s Real Estate Wisdom: A Blog for Savvy Investors

Retiring on Rental Income vs Social Security – A Financial Comparison

Retiring on Rental Income vs Social Security – A Financial Comparison

I've sat down with many people over the years to discuss the financial differences between retiring on rental income vs social security benefits. And now, in a time when the national debt is more than 34 trillion, inflation is through the roof, and there's talk of social security benefits running dry in the next ten years, more people are inquiring about finding an alternative to a monthly social security check. The reality is that the financial forecast for future retirees doesn't look very bright, and this is pushing forward-thinking people to take control of the reigns and begin to lay the groundwork for a financially stable retirement. Weighing Rental Income Against Social Security Benefits Many people have come to realize that relying on SS checks as a sole source of income in retirement is...

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