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Goal setting is so important, and that’s why I’m passionate about sharing the message of finding your Freedom Number. However, it’s important to set short-term goals in order to reach your ultimate goal of financial freedom.

In our family, we try to stay vigilant about setting goals and meeting them. We recently decided to purchase three rental properties in a short period of time. And in order to meet this goal, Natali and I had to sit down and decide exactly how we could make it happen.

Tracking expenses can get complicated unless you have a system in place. Natali put together a spreadsheet in order to assess where we stand. It’s a way to lay out all of our cards on the table.

The spreadsheet has three main sections. The first is our upcoming purchases and expenses. This consists of the three properties we aim to purchase. It also accounts for other expenses such as our children’s private school tuition, and our quarterly tax payments.

Next, there is a section is labeled cash reserves. This includes funds we have in any of our accounts. In this section we have our LLC bank accounts, HELOC, and 401k loans.

The third portion accounts for the funding we’ve acquired through morrisinvest.com/funding. It has our credit limits, and the amounts that are available for cash transfers. We’ve also listed out interest rates and transfer fees.

Having all of this information in one place allows us to map out the best strategy possible to pay for our rental properties and other expenses. We are able to piece together funds from different areas in order to make the best decisions financially. If you’ve never mapped out your expenses in this way, or planned for a short-term financial goal, I highly recommend it. We’re giving away a sample spreadsheet so you can see exactly how we plan our short-term financial goals.

 We’re giving away a sample spreadsheet so you can see exactly how we plan our short-term financial goals.

Ready To Build Passive Income Through Rental Real Estate?


Ready to talk about your goals? We're here to show you the tools and teach you the process to begin earning legacy wealth for you and your family.

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