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Everything we do in life begins with being in the right mindset. Real estate is no exception. I talk to so many people who want to begin, but are held back by fear and other limiting beliefs.

I recently read that only 3% of people are considered successful. Another study shows that only 3% of people write down their goals. I have to believe that there is a strong correlation between those two statistics.

Studies show that our brains are constantly growing and creating new neuro connections, and that we can influence this growth by thinking in a certain way. So just by thinking positively, we can change our lives!

I know this to be true. I visualize my goals and meditate on them consistently. And it turns out, that the things I’ve envisioned actually come to fruition. I think it’s so powerful to actually write down your goals.

That’s why I’ve created the Freedom Cheat Sheet! It’s a free PDF that allows you to set a clear goal, and start moving toward it. It will help you determine exactly how many rental properties are appropriate for your unique situation. Financial freedom does not just happen spontaneously; it’s typically the result of setting a clear, attainable goal.

So what are your goals? What is your Freedom Number? I would love to hear your goals, and how you plan to make them happen. Hop over to our Facebook page and share your individual Freedom Number.  

 Everything we do in life begins with being in the right mindset. Real estate is no exception. I talk to so many people who want to begin, but are held back by fear and other limiting beliefs. Here's how to set goals as a real estate investor.

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