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Here’s a topic none of us want to think about: sex offenders. What should you do if you find a great rental property with high ROI, but a registered sex offender lives nearby? This is actually a common occurrence.

In fact, I guarantee if you look up the sex offender registry, you’ll find them close to home. There are a few down the street from my own house. Sex offenders are everywhere, every state, every city, and every neighborhood.

If you’ve found a great investment, don’t talk yourself out of it! If you look for reasons not to move forward, you will find them. There are always drawbacks in every situation, but the benefits of owning rental real estate are incredible.

Sex offenders can be registered for a wide variety of reasons. It’s not always the worst-case scenario you’ve envisioned. Not to mention, sex offenders rarely reoffend, and have strict boundaries and rules they must follow.

A great rental property is a great rental property, period. High ROI will bring you cash flow every single month. Don’t search high and low for reasons not to invest. Take the plunge.

You should expect your property to be rented out consistently, regardless of potential sex offenders in the neighborhood. Your property management team should be able to assure you that a sex offender in the area will not be an issue.

 What should you do if you find a great rental property with high ROI, but a registered sex offender lives nearby? This is actually a common occurrence.

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